ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) Training


Health and safety issues at the workplace are some the most serious issues faced by a lot of organizations, yet still many injuries and mishaps occur. ISO 45001 certification sets minimum standard operating procedures and processes for businesses in order to protect employees. According to International Labor Organization more than 2.78 million deaths a year are caused due to work-related diseases and occupational accidents. Therefore, it is the need of the hour to put in place safety practices and procedures that can deal with this type of situation.
ISO 45001, Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems – Requirements with Guidance for Use, is an international standard for OH&S conformance. It provides a complete set of guidelines to increase safety, health, and well-being at work, which enables an organization to proactively improve its OH&S performance.


The ISO 45001:2018 MasterClass is a hybrid which includes both ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health & Safety Management System and Internal Auditor Training as well as 1:1 consultation designed to help you set up, implement, and audit your ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health & Safety Management System.

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ISO 45001 Training courses

GlenView Group Inc. provides ISO 45001 online training courses to organizations doing all activities, in all business sectors, all business types and company sizes. ISO 45001 online training will prepare and upskill your management system team and auditors. There are various ISO 45001 courses including ISO 45001 Introduction, 45001 Implementation, and ISO 45001 Auditor Training.

ISO 45001 Introduction Training Course

Any business whose activities involve the planning, implementation, maintenance, supervising or auditing of an ISO 45001 Management System can get benefit from this course. This ISO 45001 course can help you in understanding the background, terms and definitions, key concepts and main requirements of the standard.

ISO 45001 Implementation Training Course

To start with this course, you must have a good knowledge of ISO 45001 requirements. This training course will not only give you knowledge of implementing ISO 45001 following the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle but you will also learn skills to conduct a baseline review of an organization’s current position, implementation of key concepts and requirements with regards to ISO 45001.

ISO 45001 Internal Auditor Training Course

This training course requires you to have a good knowledge of ISO 45001 and key principles of an OH&S MS. This course helps you in understanding the guidelines of auditing a management system according to ISO 19011:2011 and application of these guidelines to OH&S auditing. Skills related to the initiation of the audit, preparation, and conduction of audit activities, preparation of audit reports, completion of audit and audit follow-ups are also a part of this ISO 45001 auditor training course.

Who Should Take this Course?

  • Anyone who needs to enhance knowledge on ISO 45001:2015 requirements
  • Those personnel who need to enhance their knowledge on the process of ISO 45001 OH&S auditing
  • Those is responsible for OH&S compliance and internal auditing
  • Individuals wanting to expand their knowledge and competency in ISO 45001:2018 and become OH&S auditors

How GlenView Group, Inc Can Help You?

GlenView Group Inc. employs a team that consists of the qualified ISO 45001 consultant who can help you in understanding the requirements of ISO 45001 certification that best fit your organizational needs. Furthermore, GlenView Group also provides ISO 45001 training courses online for our remote clients.

    ISO Certification & Training Done Easy.

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    Standard Interested In*
    • Standard Interested In*
    • ISO 9001:2015
    • R2 (Responsible Recycling)
    • AS 9100 Rev. D
    • ISO 14001:2015
    • ISO 45001:2018
    • ISO 13485:2016
    • ISO 17025:2017
    • ISO 27001:2017
    • RIOS
    • e-Stewards
    • OHSAS 18001
    • Expert Advice / Expert Witness
    • Compliance Consulting
    • Reverse Supply Chain and Vendor Management Programs