Updates for ISO 9001:2015

ISO 9001:2015 has concluded its revision process and has introduced its final version. This revision process takes place every five years in order to respond to latest trends in the marketplace and determine compatibility with other management systems such as ISO 14001. The final version includes several major changes including:

ISO 9001:2015 Certified CompanyAn increase in risk awareness
– A broader approach towards sustainable development
– The promotion of ISO 9001:2015 as a valuable tool used to improve the overall performance of any organization

It has also implemented an improved Quality Management System (QMS) in order to make the most beneficial and strategic decisions for organizations. The QMS will specifically look at organizational context, analyzing the internal and external factors that could potentially affect the organization’s decisions regarding its products and services. It will also look more closely at risks and opportunities that, if understood, will lead to improved performance of any business operation. The QMS will also be able to come up with ‘proportionate’ actions that the organization can choose to implement.

This final version also comes with a transition period from ISO 9001:2008 in which organizations will have three years to update to the final version.